Guide To Reference Abbreviations

These abbreviations are referenced in the Biographies of Member of the Legislative Assembly as they appear in the work, Minding the House: A Biographical Guide to Prince Edward Island MLAs, 1873-1993 (Charlottetown: Acorn Press, 2002). 


A. and A.S. Rite = Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
A.F. and A.M. = Ancient Free and Accepted Mason
Acadians = Blanchard, J. Henri. The Acadians of Prince Edward Island, 1720-1964.
Acadiens = Blanchard, J. Henri. Acadiens de L’Ile du Prince Edouard.
CCB = Cyclopedia of Canadian Biography...
C.M.B.A. = Catholic Mutual Benefit Association
COR = Stamp, Robert. Canadian Obituary Record...
CPG = Canadian Parliamentary Guide
CWW = Canadian Who's Who...
DCB = Dictionary of Canadian Biography
EC = Encyclopedia Canadiana
ECB = An Encyclopedia of Canadian Biography...
ECO = Prince Edward Island. Executive Council. Orders
Eminent Men = Canadian Biographical Dictionary and Portrait Gallery of Eminent...
Family Files = see Archival and Manuscript Collections, PARO
HFER = History of the Federal Electoral Ridings, 1867-1992.
L.O.L. = Loyal Orange Lodge
Meacham's Atlas = Allen, C.R. Illustrated historical atlas of Prince Edward Island...
MNI = Master Name Index, see Archival and Manuscript Collections, PARO
MWOT = Canadian Men and Women of the Time...
PARO = Public Archives and Records Office (P.E.I.)
PPMP = Canadian Publicity Company. Prominent People of the Maritime Provinces.
RG = Record Group see Archival and Manuscript Collections, PARO
WWC = Who's Who in Canada...
WWCL = Who’s Who in Canadian Law
WWPEI = Who's Who on PEI